Having been used in Europe for over 30 years and being only one of a few different tools to help prevent dental caries, fluoride varnish is slowly becoming more popular in Canada & the United States due to its ease of use & prevention capabilities.
Depending on the brand, the fluoride varnish that you use may have significant differences in preparation or ingredients from another brand on the market. Varnishes provide a highly concentrated, temporary dose of fluoride directly to the tooth's surface and holds the fluoride there for a longer period of time than other forms of dental fluoride products.
Advantages of Fluoride Varnish over other forms of fluoride?
- Enhances fluoride uptake during early stages of demineralization.
- Fluoride is in contact with tooth enamel for a longer period of time (days) as opposed to minutes with other fluoride treatments.
- Inadvertent ingestion is less likely.
- Quickly & easily applied.
What are your thoughts on Fluoride Varnish? Like...Dislike? Have you used it or would you?