February 16, 2011

Fluoride Use During & After Cancer Treatments

Cancer treatments can affect oral tissues, as well as pre-existing oral conditions can affect cancer treatments. According to the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research, oral complications will occur in virtually all patients receiving radiation for head or neck malignancies as well as some patients who receive stem cell transplants or chemotherapy.

PCxx Anticaries Gel
Because of these effects, dentists and oncologists will recommend a fluoride treatment for patients to help prevent tooth demineralization. Fluoride rinses while easy to use are not adequate enough to help prevent demineralization in cancer patients. A fluoride gel containing 1.1% Neutral pH Sodium Fluoride or 0.4% Stannous Fluoride (Unflavoured) is recommended for optimal benefits.

Ross Healthcare is the manufacturer of Anticaries Gel, containing .5% Fluoride Ion, Gluten free and unflavoured it is widely used by the BC Cancer Agency and provided to patients undergoing treatment. Available in a 500ml size as well as an easy portable Home Care Gel (2oz) that easily fits in your pocket or purse for whenever you need it most.

If you are undergoing cancer treatment, or know somebody is is, their oral care is just as important now as it ever was, if not more so!

February 11, 2011

Fluoride Varnish

Source: British Dental Journal
Having been used in Europe for over 30 years and being only one of a few different tools to help prevent dental caries, fluoride varnish is slowly becoming more popular in Canada & the United States due to its ease of use & prevention capabilities.

Depending on the brand, the fluoride varnish that you use may have significant differences in preparation or ingredients from another brand on the market. Varnishes provide a highly concentrated, temporary dose of fluoride directly to the tooth's surface and holds the fluoride there for a longer period of time than other forms of dental fluoride products.

Advantages of Fluoride Varnish over other forms of fluoride?
  • Enhances fluoride uptake during early stages of demineralization.
  • Fluoride is in contact with tooth enamel for a longer period of time (days) as opposed to minutes with other fluoride treatments.
  • Inadvertent ingestion is less likely.
  • Quickly & easily applied.

What are your thoughts on Fluoride Varnish? Like...Dislike? Have you used it or would you?

February 4, 2011

The Benefits of Xylitol

Xylitol is a natural sweetener that helps to prevent dental caries. How does it do this you ask? 

Well according to http://xylitol.org/

The Xylitol Difference for Teeth

All Dentists Dental
Tooth decay happens when bacteria in your mouth consume the sugars we eat. When you eat food containing ordinary sugar (sucrose), it gives bacteria on your teeth energy, allowing them to multiply and start making acids that can eat away the enamel on the teeth. This "acid attack" causes tooth decay and cavities to begin to form.

Xylitol is a natural sweetener derived from the fibrous parts of plants. It does not break down like sugar and can help keep a neutral pH level in the mouth. Xylitol also prevents bacteria from sticking to the teeth. This is how it protects the teeth from tooth decay. With Xylitol, the acid attack that would otherwise last for over half an hour is stopped.
Xylitol enhances the remineralization of teeth, particularly in small decay spots just developing in the tooth enamel. Bacteria are unable to produce acid in the presence of xylitol and as a result the plaque pH does not decrease. The stable pH prevents demineralization, and hardens the lining of the cavities making untreated cavities less sensitive. 
Great thing is that http://xylitol.org/ all contains a list of products that are now on the market that contain Xylitol; check it out here.